Youth & Academic Services

School Based Programs

IRCO’s School-Based Programs support youth and families through site-specific community school services.

We support children, youth and families through their neighborhood schools by providing a rich array of extended day programming, food and resource support, Kindergarten readiness, parent leadership, and family engagement. Our 20 SUN Community Schools serve as resource hubs across Multnomah County empowering communities through their schools.

School Linked Programs

IRCO’s School-Linked Programs support immigrant and refugee youth in and out of school.

We support K-12 students with holistic, wraparound services that promote academic success through afterschool groups, one-on-one case management, mentoring, tutoring, academic advocacy, family engagement, and community celebrations. IRCO's culturally and linguistically specific supports narrow opportunity gaps, improve reading and math, ease school transitions, and increase the number of youth graduating from high school and pursuing college or career opportunities.


Schools Uniting Neighborhoods

A member of the Schools Uniting Neighborhoods (SUN) program, IRCO works closely with local districts to ensure educational success for youth. IRCO manages 20 SUN Community Schools throughout Multnomah County. SUN Community Schools are full-service neighborhood hubs where schools from across the community collaborate to ensure kids receive SUN initiatives & services to help them be successful.


Hunger Relief/School Based Food Resources

IRCO SUN Community School's In-School Food Pantries are possible through a partnership with the Oregon Food Bank (OFB). Clients are provided with nutritious foods to support their families for up to 3-5 days, depending on family size. OFB In-School Food Pantries are open to the public and have no income qualifications to shop; all are welcome. A registration form is required at a client's first visit. All data collected is kept private and is never shared with any agency other than OFB. IRCO SUN currently operates 9 OFB In-School Food Pantries, across east Multnomah County, with each IRCO SUN site offering a food distribution once a week. All OFB food pantries, including the IRCO SUN In-School ones, can be located through

IRCO SUN Community School's Fresh Food Markets are made possible through funding from the Portland Children's Levy. Through community partnerships, food gleaning programs and collaborations with local farms, the IRCO SUN Fresh Food Markets offer a diverse selection of foods, including deli counter options and fresh produce. IRCO's Fresh Food Markets are open to the families of the students enrolled at the school site where the Fresh Food Market is located. Clients without a student attending the school will be referred to the closest OFB In-School food pantry for hunger relief services. Fresh Food Markets are open once a week, per SUN site, and clients are required to complete a registration form on their first visit. Data collected is never sold or shared. IRCO SUN operates 7 Fresh Food Markets across the Portland Metro area.